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Tips and Tricks for Google Usage

Browsing internet and mining useful information from it is getting easier every other day. Thanks to the internet giant, yes you guessed it right, Google! The tools provided by Google are so user friendly and efficient that even the naïve internet user can enjoy their benefits.

Let’s look at a few of them;

Google Squared

Are you looking for some info that you will want to compare afterwards? Google Squared can do this for you automatically! For instance, try it by searching it for “roller coaster” and yes, Google Squared will show you a chart of top 20 tallest roller coasters, amazing isn’t it! For more, check out charts of hurricanes, damage estimates of recent hurricanes etc.

Wonder Wheel

Ok, it’s all right! It happens when you are not sure what you are looking for. And here comes the Google’s Wonder Wheel for your rescue. Its gives you related searches for what you might be looking for. It can be seen in the left-hand side bar, it produces a circular chart with searches that others have done recently that are somehow related to your search.

Search history

So you found something important last night on Google? And you need that again! But you don’t remember how you found it, don’t worry let Google search history remember it for you and you just need to remember to enable we history in your Google account. Once that is done, run your searches and then next morning visit to see your search history and revisit them. Not enough! Ok, it can also sync to your mobile devices.

Google Voice Search

Life becomes so easy when you get everything just by saying its name! You are looking for a merchant in delhi, just say it and you’ll get it. Yes, it’s true, Google Voice Search lets you speak your search queries into your mobile devices while you are on the go. Voice Search app is available on Iphone, BlackBerry, and Nokia S60 phones. Even for Andoid phones, search out for the “Voice Search” app in the Android market and its all yours.


Wondering what all happened when Hitler ruined the Europe? Or what was happening when world was burning in World Wars? Here’s another help from Google, the Google’s Timeline! Located in the left-hand toolbar, the features allows you to zoom-in on any particular time period and see news pulled from assorted sources, including books and web pages. Searching for Anglo-French Wars, for instance, brings up a timeline that runs from 1600-2010, stepping down into individual years and then months.

“Google’s not a real company. It’s a house of cards”- Steve Ballmer. So, from now on, play the cards smartly and intelligently.


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